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Sesame; It is a small plant that grows in Asia, Europe, Anatolia and especially India and is the name given to the yellowish seeds of this plant.
Sesame, which is a nutrient with high fat content and energy value, is very rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium minerals and B Vitamins. It is an annual herbaceous plant that gives oil a meter tall.
How to Use Sesame?
Sesame seeds and oil from seeds are used.
Sprinkle on bagels and cakes.
Sesame seeds are crushed to make tahini.
Sesame oil is also used in skin and hair care.
Sesame oil regulates the digestive system
Sesame oil also develops an effective defense against bowel and colon cancer in the body
The high levels of lecithin in sesame not only affect the nervous system and brain functions positively, but can also be effective against diseases such as alzheimer's and dementia in the long term.
Can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure
With its calcium content, it positively affects the health of bones and teeth
With its restorative keratin effect in sesame, it is also an effective nutrient for hair and nail health.